🧰Adonis Harvester Guide

When you've downloaded the bot there is a file called AdonisHarvester.exe This is being referred as the harvester.

The harvester is required for a couple of things:

  • For all QUEUE-IT related tasks, you need to start the harvester until you see "Successfully started all harvesters". When you see this message it means that the harvester has started correctly. You can start your QUEUE-IT tasks.

  • For IMAP: If you want to receive 2FA keys from your inbox you can use the harvester.

  • For Captcha which can't be solved automatically the harvester will pop-up a captcha window which you can enter yourself.

PayPal handler

Start the PayPal handler and make sure it is logged in. The harvester will automatically refresh the browser. Don't minimize the browser, just keep it open in the background. If the payment gets stuck, try to refresh the browser yourself and see if you are still logged in. PAYPALACO: will use the default card set in your PayPal account. PAYPALACO1234: will try to match with the last 4 digits in your PayPal account. Make sure the card has been added and/or change 1234 accordingly.

IMAP Configuration:

After starting the harvester and select IMAP for the first time you will see a file called "harvester.json", this file will be used for your configuration, there are 4 settings you need to enter:

  • imap_email: enter your email address (test@gmail.com)

  • imap_password: enter your email password (password123)

  • imap_host: enter your IMAP host (imap.gmail.com)

  • imap_port: enter your IMAP port (993), the port has to require SSL connections.


if you are using GMAIL make sure to use an "app password" which can be obtained here: https://myaccount.google.com/apppasswords and enter it in the imap_password option.

Last updated