
  • After downloading Adonis you'll find a Quicktask.csv file.

  • Add your tasks as shown in Supported sites

  • The URL column can be left empty.

  • After your Quicktask.csv is filled in save it and start the bot.

  • In the bot window select Quicktask Mode and it should show you "Successfully connected to Quicktask server".

  • Whenever you see a product restocking via your monitor you can click on the Adonis Quicktask and the bot will automatically start your tasks.

  • In order to maximize the use of Quicktask mode we recommend installing the AdonisBots apps to your iOS device.

  • Stopping Quicktask tasks can be achieved by clicking on the "Stop tasks" button in the app or on the Quicktask website.

  • If your monitor doesn't support Adonis Quicktasks please send the developers of the monitor the Quicktask implementation documentation.

Last updated